Quit smoking for good
You’ve made the decision to quit smoking. Congratulations! That is one of the best decisions you could make—not only for your own health, but for the health of the people around you as well.
Okay, you’ve made the commitment. Now what? Developing a “quit plan” will help ensure that you reach your goal of becoming smoke-free.

The first thing to do is to set a quit date. Make it far enough in the future so you can get ready but not so far ahead that you lose your determination to quit. About two weeks works well for many people. During that time, line up support. Tell your family and friends that you will be quitting and when you plan to do it, and ask them to help you by not smoking in your presence and by encouraging you to stick with it when you feel the urge to smoke.
The night before your quit date, get rid of the ashtrays in your home and clean out the ashtray in your car so the smell won’t tempt you to smoke. Throw away any remaining cigarettes, matches, and lighters you have.
Identify the situations that trigger your smoking and try to avoid them. For example, if you usually smoke when you go out for a drink with friends, suggest to your friends that you go to a movie instead of a pub.
If you find that you are having trouble dealing with the cravings and withdrawal symptoms, ask your Sobeys Pharmacist about smoking cessation aids. There are many products available that can help you deal with the effects of nicotine withdrawal. And good luck—quitting may not be easy, but it will be worth the effort.